Results for ' Landry Jr'

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  1.  18
    Impaired natural killer cell self-education and "missing-self" responses in Ly49-deficient mice 120, 3).S. Bélanger, M. M. Tu, M. M. A. Rahim, A. B. Mahmoud, R. Patel, L. H. Tai, A. D. Troke, B. T. Wilhelm, Landry Jr, Q. Zhu, K. S. Tung, D. H. Raulet & A. P. Makrigiannis - unknown
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  2. A Philosophical Inquiry into the Linguistic Findings of Writing Research Articles (RAs) in Philosophy A Case Study: The Genre Analysis of Abstracts in SOOCHOW JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES from 2017 to 2021.Jr-Jiun Lian - 2023 - Taiwanese Philosophical Association Annual Conference 2023.
    In this paper, I expand my upon earlier linguistic research (Lian, 2023), which delved into the genre of abstracts from Western philosophical papers. I engage with the philosophical ramifications emanating from the guidelines established for crafting philosophy paper abstracts (Lian, 2023) and underscore their significance in the domain of academic philosophical writing. A pivotal focus of this research is to navigate the intricate philosophical challenges posed by cross-disciplinary investigations bridging applied linguistic statistics with philosophical paper composition, specifically, the nuanced interpretation (...)
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    Nonconceptual Content and the "Space of Reasons".Richard G. Heck Jr - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (4):483 - 523.
    In The Varieties of Reference, Gareth Evans argues that the content of perceptual experience is nonconceptual, in a sense I shall explain momentarily. More recently, in his book Mind and World, John McDowell has argued that the reasons Evans gives for this claim are not compelling and, moreover, that Evans’s view is a version of “the Myth of the Given”: More precisely, Evans’s view is alleged to suffer from the same sorts of problems that plague sense-datum theories of perception. In (...)
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    Structural Realism: Structure, Object, and Causality.Elaine Landry & Dean Rickles (eds.) - 2012 - Springer.
    Structural realism has rapidly gained in popularity in recent years, but it has splintered into many distinct denominations, often underpinned by diverse motivations. There is, no monolithic position known as ‘structural realism,’ but there is a general convergence on the idea that a central role is to be played by relational aspects over object-based aspects of ontology. What becomes of causality in a world without fundamental objects? In this book, the foremost authorities on structural realism attempt to answer this and (...)
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  5. Perceptual classification images from Vernier acuity masked by noise.A. J. Ahumada Jr - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 1831-1840.
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  6. Bulletin cartésien XXXI. Armogathe Jr, V. Carraud, F. Manzini & Massimiliano Savini - 2003 - Archives de Philosophie 66 (1-2):157.
  7.  38
    Recent Work in Inductive Logic.Henry E. Kyburg Jr - 1964 - American Philosophical Quarterly 1 (4):249 - 287.
  8.  39
    Not knowing the “right thing to do:” Moral distress and tolerating uncertainty in medicine.Christinia Landry - 2017 - Clinical Ethics 12 (1):37-44.
    The four principles and consequentialism assist in teasing out moral dilemmas in medicine but often fail to account for the texture of our moral experience. In particular, these ethical approaches fail to account for the moral dilemma and the resultant distress. Conversely, by considering the relationships, emotionality, and motivations of human beings, Simone de Beauvoir's ethics of ambiguity furnishes a more robust ethical analysis and encourages a deeper understanding of how we actually negotiate relationships of care in medicine. I argue (...)
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  9. Rodney, Rage, and Racism.“.Norm R. Allen Jr - 1992 - Free Inquiry 12:52-53.
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  10. Using expository preaching to address ethical issues in our day.Walter C. Kaiser Jr - 2016 - In Terry L. Miethe & Norman L. Geisler, I am put here for the defense of the Gospel: Dr. Norman L. Geisler: a festschrift in his honor. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers.
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  11. Stopping the Infinite Regress without Foundationalism.Benjamin F. Armstrong Jr - 1984 - Southwest Philosophy Review 1:151-160.
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    A natureza dos números na República de Platão.Anastácio Borges de Araújo Jr - 2010 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 51 (122):459-471.
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    Aquinas and Ethical Naturalism.Robert B. Ashmore Jr - 1975 - New Scholasticism 49 (1):76-86.
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    Sickness and healing and the evolutionary foundations of mind and minding.Fabrega Horacio Jr - 2011 - Mens Sana Monographs 9 (1):159.
    Disease represents a principal tentacle of natural selection and a staple theme of evolutionary medicine. However, it is through a small portal of entry and a very long lineage that disease as sickness entered behavioural spaces and human consciousness. This has a long evolutionary history. Anyone interested in the origins of medicine and psychiatry as social institution has to start with analysis of how mind and body were conceptualised and played out behaviourally following the pongid/hominin split and thereafter. The early (...)
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  15. Concluding editorial comments.John B. Cobb Jr - 1977 - In John B. Cobb & David Ray Griffin, Mind in Nature. University Press of America.
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  16. Leeds' infernal machine.E. KyburgHenry - 1981 - Philosophy of Science 48 (1):92-94.
  17. Disjunctive predicates and the reduction of psychology.John W. Godbey Jr - 1978 - Mind 87 (347):433-435.
  18.  33
    The twenty-third meeting of the eastern division of the american philosophical association.J. H. Randall Jr - 1924 - Journal of Philosophy 21 (2):40-51.
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  19. Free sets and reverse mathematics.Carl G. Jockusch Jr - 2005 - In Stephen Simpson, Reverse Mathematics 2001. Association for Symbolic Logic. pp. 104.
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    De la vérité en métaphysique. Johnstone Jr - 1964 - Actes du XIIe Congrès des Sociétés de Philosophie de Langue Française 1:33-36.
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    Bets and Beliefs.Henry E. Kyburg Jr - 1968 - American Philosophical Quarterly 5 (1):54 - 63.
  22. Confusion and the cosmological argument.N. MabeyRendell - 1971 - Mind 80 (317):124-126.
  23. Culture, individual diversity, and end-of-life decisions.Bert Hayslip [ Jr - 2009 - In James L. Werth & Dean Blevins, Decision making near the end of life: issues, developments, and future directions. New York: Routledge.
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    Correlation, Partial Correlation, and Causation.Frederick S. Ellett Jr & David P. Ericson - 1986 - Synthese 67 (2):157 - 173.
    Philosophers and scientists have maintained that causation, correlation, and "partial correlation" are essentially related. These views give rise to various rules of causal inference. This essay considers the "claims of several philosophers and social scientists for causal systems with dichotomous variables. In section 2 important commonalities and differences are explicated among four major conceptions of correlation. In section 3 it is argued that whether correlation can serve as a measure of A's causal influence on B depends upon the conception of (...)
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  25.  21
    How the Laws of Physics Lie.Henry E. Kyburg Jr - 1990 - Noûs 24 (1):174.
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    Ramified Frege Arithmetic.Richard G. Heck Jr - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 40 (6):715 - 735.
    Øystein Linnebo has recently shown that the existence of successors cannot be proven in predicative Frege arithmetic, using Frege's definitions of arithmetical notions. By contrast, it is shown here that the existence of successor can be proven in ramified predicative Frege arithmetic.
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    The Status of the Generalization Principle.Sid B. Thomas Jr - 1968 - American Philosophical Quarterly 5 (3):174 - 182.
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    The Teaching of English: NSSE 76th Yearbook, Part I.Walter H. Clark Jr & James R. Squire - 1979 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 13 (2):116.
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  29. Spinoza, Marx, and the Terror of Racism.E. San Juan Jr - 2003 - Nature, Society, and Thought 16 (2):193-230.
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  30. A minimal construal of scientific structuralism.Katherine Brading & Elaine Landry - unknown
    The focus of this paper is the recent revival of interest in structuralist approaches to science and, in particular, the structural realist position in philosophy of science . The challenge facing scientific structuralists is three-fold: i) to characterize scientific theories in ‘structural’ terms, and to use this characterization ii) to establish a theory-world connection (including an explanation of applicability) and iii) to address the relationship of ‘structural continuity’ between predecessor and successor theories. Our aim is to appeal to the notion (...)
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  31.  12
    Les Mathématiciens envoyés en Chine par Louis XIV en 1685.Isabelle Landry-Deron - 2001 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 55 (5):423-463.
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  32. The American Ephebe.Charles W. Hedrick Jr - 2004 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 97 (4).
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    Editorial.Henry Rosemont Jr - 1988 - Philosophy East and West 38 (4).
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    Taxation of Italians by the French Crown (1311-1363).John B. Henneman Jr - 1969 - Mediaeval Studies 31 (1):15-43.
  35.  24
    Against Theory?E. D. Hirsch Jr - 1983 - Critical Inquiry 9 (4):743-747.
  36. Why general knowledge should be a goal of education in a democracy.E. D. Hirsch Jr - unknown
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  37. The conception of the earth in Anaximander's cosmology.Pavel Hobza Jr - 2006 - Filosoficky Casopis 54 (3):381-392.
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  38.  45
    Consciousness and emotions are minimized.Horacio Fabrega Jr - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (6):736-737.
    In the case of religion, explanations based on emotion should be privileged over those based on “cold” cognition. The origins of religious beliefs are as critical to understanding religion as are the group phenomena which sustain them. In addition, religion's relationship to the growth of knowledge is neglected by the target authors. The balance between the costs and benefits of religion will vary depending upon the phase of an individual society's cultural evolution.
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  39. Time-related auditory processing and acoustic startle inhibition in rats. Ison Jr, K. Oconnor & Gp Bowen - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):511-511.
  40.  27
    Blind Law and Powerless Science: The American Jewish Congress, the NAACP, and the Scientific Case against Discrimination, 1945-1950.John Jackson Jr - 2000 - Isis 91 (1):89-116.
    This essay examines how the American Jewish Congress (AJC) designed a legal attack on discrimination based on social science. This campaign led to the creation in 1945 of two new AJC commissions, t...
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    Satori in Climacus?Jack Mulder Jr - 2005 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2005 (1):294-313.
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    Logic and heuristic in mathematics curriculum reform.Jack A. Easley Jr & I. Lakatos - 1967 - In Imre Lakatos, Problems in the philosophy of mathematics. Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co..
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  43.  35
    (2 other versions)Note on the physical world-order. I.Edgar A. Singer Jr - 1904 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 1 (23):623-629.
  44.  47
    Inspiration and Technē : Divination in Plato’s Ion.Aaron Landry - 2014 - Plato Journal 14:85-97.
    In Plato’s Ion, inspiration functions in contradistinction to technē. Yet, paradoxically, in both cases, there is an appeal to divination. I interrogate this in order to show how these two disparate accounts can be accommodated. Specifically, I argue that Socrates’ appeal to Theoclymenus at Ion 539a-b demonstrates that Plato recognizes the existence of intuitive seers who defy his own distinction between possession and technical divination. Such seers provide an epistemic model for Ion; that he does not notice this confirms he (...)
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    “Ma fu l'inganno disinganno”: The Basso Buffo as Philosopher.Eugene Allen Clayton Jr - 2013 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 7 (3).
    Engaging theories of comedy and of critical and literary theory in general, I consider the function of the buffo within opera, why this trope was an historical necessity for the generic development of opera: the buffo as a specific mechanism in the operatic machine, and what this character made possible in its wake. I take as paradigms the buffi of Mozart and Rossini, citing Don Alfonso and Don Bartolo respectively. It is my belief these operas have suffered from the general (...)
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    Politics, the Political, and Armed Force: Oakeshott, Schmitt and Weber. Coats Jr - 2016 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 22 (2):257-277.
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    A Christian Response.John B. Cobb Jr - 1998 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 18:105.
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  48. A Process Approach to Pluralism.".John B. Cobb Jr - 2008 - In Andrew Eshleman, Readings in the Philosophy of Religion: East Meets West. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Christianity and Eastern wisdom.John Cobb Jr - 1978 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 5 (4):285-298.
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    (1 other version)Freedom in Whitehead’s Philosophy.John B. Cobb Jr - 1969 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 7 (4):411-415.
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